Friday, June 7, 2013

Goodbye, Hello

For the past three and a half years, I have created a home here – a place where I can explore my desire in both word and image; a place that has allowed me to connect with the most cherished of friends and readers.

But it’s now time for a new abode – complete with my own domain name. While Blogger has served me well during this time, I’ve struggled with some of its limitations of late, especially in terms of posting images. Even though the new digs are yet again a nod to my noir tastes, I hope you’ll enjoy the more refined and nuanced layout, as well as the new streamlined content.

Since this will be my final post here, if you want to continue following my musings and self-portraiture, please tickle, tease, caress and click the link: 

Lastly, to those of you who have been generous enough to link my blog to your own site, an update of the Love Hate Sex Cake URL to reflect this change would be very much appreciated.

Thank you for your wonderful support here. I look forward to seeing you at my new address.

And remember, my door’s always open…

~Minx x

(PS There’s a little housewarming gift awaiting you all at the new site…)

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