Thursday, June 24, 2010

HNT: Sixteen

Bound to the chair behind her, his chest rising and falling, erect cock glistening in the low afternoon light, he has no other option than to watch as she climbs onto the bed and begins the task of shedding the ebony lace from the fair body trembling with unexpressed desire.

(Remember to knock on Osbasso’s door to see this week’s gorgeous players…)


Osbasso said...

Oh, I'd tie myself to that chair to get a chance of seeing that! :-)

Anonymous said...

Ohh...methinks your body is expressing plenty love, and then some! Delicious.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

where is the frickin chair! Tie me Tie me!

Vixen said...

Amazingly sexy and breathtaking as always.

Your words are always so sensual and eye catching...taking you in in all ways.


Petal said...

Oh, my...the words coupled with that sexy-as-hell picture are just fantastic...this could be my favourite this week :)

13messages said...

You look so beautiful here. Your sexy words have me close to trembling as well.

James said...

Mmmmm, love the pic and the detail to go with it.

Topaz said...

The outfit is sexy. The pose is sexy. The angle is sexy. Gosh, you do this well! HHNT

Anonymous said...

I'm always stunned by the Enchantrix! Not a pixel or syllable is wasted. The finger alone inside the stocking is so incredibly sensuous.

Has anyone ever told you how beautiful your fingers are? I adore your hands. And the rest of you!

Joanna Cake said...

I was admiring your hands too. And it's like you're forming one of the yoga mudra with your fingers

The Panserbjørne said...

Man, why doesn't anyone else include stories along with their HNT photos? Then again, who else can weave the stories quite like you?

Happy HNT.

-- PB

MinorityReport said...

Breathtaking as always.

Anonymous said...

the position of your hands here is quite delicious...

Ms Scarlett said...

Absolutely lovely...


Anonymous said...

I keep coming back. Fifty Spine-Tingling Words. One spectacular image. And a fantasy now that will not vacate my poor brain.

My own cock trembles erect envisioning your sensuous hands removing those fabrics with such precision and indomitable sexual prowess, knowing that the man before you cannot resist your puissance. All the while fervently fighting your own intense urges to devour that man right then and there.

The Tension! The Decadence!

Oh the possible pleasures of your proximity. :-)

Very well done, Cheeky Minx!

Anonymous said...

WOW sexy gal, I'm with Hubman on this. Tingling word and your sexy body. Oh my....

xoxo, crystal

Anonymous said...

thought i commented early when i first looked, guess now. wonderful and sexy. love the bits of hair in the shot.

Hubman said...

You sound like an evil/wonderful woman, making him watch like that!

Happy HNT!

1ManView said...

Very provocative ...

Amazon Woman said...

Speechless again, you have such power!

keatsjohnkeats said...

Written like prose, those words taste like poetry. Are you a closet poet, CM?

BTExpress said...

I'm watching! I'm watching!

Riff Dog said...

There's nothing sweeter than seeing clothes come off a beautiful trembling body.

You have a fantastic collection of HNT pictures, by the way. It's been a . . . uhhh . . . "pleasure" going through them. ;-)

Cheeky Minx said...

Os: Would you, now? I just might have a chair in your size... ;)

SG: Ooh, I do love a bit of deliciousness from you, gorgeous one. Thank you. xx

Spring Flower: Wow, thank you, lovely!

Sage: Mmmm. Gladly.

Vixen: Thank you so much, sexy thing. If I can do that to you, I'm a very happy woman... xx

Petal: This is seriously high praise from you, lovely lady! :)

13messages: Thank you so very much. And I do like the thought of the words having such a wonderful effect on you...

James: Ooh, thank you, kindly!

Topaz: You're making me blush. Seriously. Thank you! :)

Muffin: Oh my, thank you! I have been lucky enough to receive some finger compliments, yes. Hmmm, that sounds rather dirty, doesn't it? ;)

Cake: Thank you, lovely! And I love the way you see yoga in my fingers. Now, if only I could contort my body into some of your delicious poses...

PB: Ooh, you always know how to wrap me around your little finger... Thank you! ;)

MR: Oh, wow, thank you. :)

Eternal: Thank you. Their talents even extend to healing broken bones. ;)

Scarlett: Thank you so much, gorgeous!

Muffin: You're back?! I'm glad to hear the repeat performance had such a delectable effect on you.

Crystal: Ooohh... You know I adore you, right? xx

reluctantprincess: Thank you very much and welcome!

Hubman: "Evil/wonderful woman"? Hmmm, I do try my best. Thank you. ;)

1manview: Really? Wow, thank you, kind sir.

Frenchy: Thank you so much, you sexy thing...

keats: Closet poet? I'm not sure. But I rather fancy myself as one now.

Words "taste like poetry"... Mmmm, I love that. Thank you!

BT: I'm so very glad to hear it! Thank you. :)

Riff Dog: Oh my... Thank you on both counts.

And I am simply tickled they gave you such, um, mmmm, "pleasure". Always happy to oblige... ;)

Anonymous said...


Cheeky Minx said...

Thank you so much, Hedone!

Easily Aroused said...

Your fair body was made to be sheathed in ebony lace, Minx ... and to be slowly stripped out of it....


Cheeky Minx said...

Oh my... I don't suppose that's an offer?!

Thank you, EA...